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Citation Management Tools

Citation management tools make it easier for you to add citations and bibliographies to your documents. They are also a great way to keep your references organized. With a citation management tool you can:

  • Add references to your library as you find them
  • Generate in-text citations and bibliographies in the style of your choice
  • Organize references and share your library with others 

Which tool is right for you?

Try this quiz.

Compare popular citation management tools:





What is available for free? What is paid?

Free and open source.

To use cloud storage (not required), storage prices are here.

Free version available.

Full license is paid only, with discount prices available for students (if eligible) and upgrades (if an older version was owned).

Free version available. 

Paid plans start at $4.99/month for 5GB, and upgrades only personal storage.

Storage Unlimited when saved on computer 50,000 records + 2GB of attachments 2 GB personal storage and 100 MB shared web storage with free account
Desktop version compatibility Windows, Mac, Linux Not applicable (web-based) Windows, Mac, Linux
Word processor compatibility Microsoft Word, Google Docs, LibreOffice Microsoft Word Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, Word Online, Office 365
Browser plug-ins for adding references Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari
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