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Social Sciences (Political Science, Psychology, Sociology)

Resources in the areas of politics, sociology and psychology.

Top Resources

Use the green content tabs to see additional article databases specific to politics, psychology and sociology, or to find books and other relevant resources.

Need Help?

Have a question but not sure who to ask? There are librarians that specialize in each program area including Alyssa and Trish, the two contacts listed on this guide. Speaking to the subject specialist librarian for your program can help you receive the best help we can offer. For example, Alyssa is the contact person for programs like Addictions & Mental Health, Behavioural Sciences, Child & Youth Care, and Social Service Worker. Trish is the contact person for programs such as Police Foundations, PSI and 911. For a complete list of subject librarians, their contact information, or to book a 1:1 virtual or in-person appointment, follow the link below:

Creative Commons License

This guide was created by Durham College Libraries and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License, except where otherwise noted. 

Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License

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