Call number begin with one or more letters, representing a broad subject area. Following the letters are numbers, then decimal numbers specifying the item.
Reference items include the letters “REF” before the call number to indicate that they are part of the Reference collection. Once in the Reference section, look for the next set of letters in the call number.
Find print books on the shelf by the call number located on the spine of the book.
Items that do NOT have a call number, but DO have a URL are likely e-books.
Click on the link provided and enter your login information (the same login that you use to sign on your computer) to access these books. You must have internet access to use these resources.
Here is an example of a call number: HV6024.5.N63. To find your book, follow these steps:
HV |
1. Use these letters to find the appropriate aisle(s) in the library |
6024 |
2. Look for the main number (filed from smallest to largest) |
.5 |
3. Look for any additional numbers (remember that .5 is larger than .45) |
.N63 |
4. Look for the specific item using this combination of letter and numbers |
Books can be found in the general circulating collection, the reference section, or be located in reserves at the circulation desk, at a variety of library locations.
Reserves |
1st floor circulation desk |
Videos & DVDs | 1st floor circulation desk |
Reference |
1st floor |
Special Collections |
3rd floor |
Stacks |
2nd and 3rd floors |
Social Science Library |
Ontario Tech Downtown |
Education Library |
Ontario Tech Downtown |